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Deep Sprouted Moth Beans 1LB
Deep Sprouted Moth Beans, in 1 LB, offer a nutritious addition to your food regimen with their high protein and fiber content. these sprouted beans are ideal for reinforcing salads, curries, or stews, adding a crunchy texture and earthy taste. revel in the health advantages and flexibility of these clean, sprouted moth beans in your food.
0011433160834Deep Sprouted Moth Beans 1LB
Deep Sprouted Moth Beans, in 1 LB, offer a nutritious addition to your food regimen with their high protein and fiber content. these sprouted beans are ideal for reinforcing salads, curries, or stews, adding a crunchy texture and earthy taste. revel in the health advantages and flexibility of these clean, sprouted moth beans in your food.